Pataway – Meet and greet

Courtesy of Wukalina Walk, photograph by Jillian Mundy

To celebrate Aboriginal Business Month we are hosting a meet and greet for Aboriginal businesses and members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community in Launceston and Pataway/ Burnie.

The purpose of this event is to bring everyone together and to meet the variety of services and supports available for Aboriginal businesses.

Please find list below of service providers that will be attending.

  • Aboriginal Support Programs – TasTAFE
  • Arts Tasmania
  • AusIndustry
  • Brand Tasmania
  • Business Tasmania
  • IBA Business
  • IBA Homes
  • Industry Capability Network
  • Many Rivers
  • Northern Employment and Business Hub
  • Relationships Australia
  • Riawunna
  • Screen Tasmania
  • Services Australia
  • Supply Nation
  • Tasmania Legal Aid
  • Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • West North West Working
  • Women’s Legal Service Tasmania

Get in touch to express your interest and find out more information at –

Delivered by Palawa Business Hub




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