Launceston – Meet and Greet

Courtesy of Wukalina Walk, photograph by Jillian Mundy

To celebrate Aboriginal Business Month we are hosting a meet and greet for Aboriginal businesses and members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community in Launceston and Pataway/ Burnie.

The purpose of this event is to bring everyone together and to meet the variety of services and supports available for Aboriginal businesses.

Confirmed Service providers are listed below:

  • Aboriginal Support Programs – TasTAFE
  • Arts Tasmania
  • AusIndustry
  • Brand Tasmania
  • Business Tasmania
  • IBA Business
  • IBA Homes
  • Industry Capability Network
  • Many Rivers
  • Northern Employment and Business Hub
  • Relationships Australia
  • Riawunna
  • Screen Tasmania
  • Services Australia
  • Supply Nation
  • Tasmania Legal Aid
  • Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Women’s Legal Service Tasmania

Get in touch to express your interest and find out more information at –

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