Dr Jacob Prehn Consultancy

Dr Jacob Prehn is a Worimi Social Scientist specialising in research, evaluation, Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance, and mentoring.

Jacob is an executive member of Maiam nayri Wingara the Australian Indigenous Data Sovereignty Collective, and a member of the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA). He is highly sought after nationally for his expertise on Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance training, evaluation, and implementation. Some of Jacob’s recent project partners include VACCHO, the Treaty Authority (Victoria), the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), the Federal Department of Health, and the Tasmanian Department of Health. He enjoys mentoring the next generation of Aboriginal leaders and researchers through his role at the University of Tasmania and aims to include them where possible in his consultancy and research. Jacob has over 25 peer-reviewed publications and in 2023, Cosmos Science Magazine named Jacob as one of 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people changing the world.

Jacob Prehn

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